Physical Therapy Diagnosis is a blog I have posted to since about August 2007. Physical therapy diagnosis is also a topic I have been interested in since about 2005.
I first discovered PT diagnosis in reading the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice (2nd ed.).
The Guide had a reference to the Disablement Model by Nagi. Since then, Nagi's model has been updated by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) model which, among other things, replaces Nagi’s ‘functional limitations’ with ‘activity limitations’
The model describes how physical therapists can intervene by identifying the connection between measured activity limitations and measured limitations in body structure and function (Nagi's 'impairments').
Physical therapists identify the link and that process is the physical therapy diagnosis.
I can only say that I wish I had learned the disablement model in my undergraduate education. To say that my physical therapy practice patterns have evolved since adopting theis framework would be an understatement.
Not evolution, but revolution.
Imagine my surprise to learn that 'Physical Therapy Diagnosis' is a term not recommended for physical therapists by none other than the foremost author on functional assessment in physical therapy...
...Alan Jette, PT.
I found his 1989 article Diagnosis and Classification by Physical Therapists: A Special Communication in which he briefly discusses his thoughts on the matter...
"There are pitfalls along the way into which physical therapists might easily fall. One that particularly concerns me is the use of the phrase 'physical therapy diagnosis.' I concur with Sahrmann, who recommends that the term "diagnosis" be used by the physical therapist in referring to the identified condition that is the focus of the physical therapist's treatment. It should not be used to reflect ownership of the condition, which would be the inevitable consequence of using the phrase 'physical therapy diagnosis.'"(Jette, 968-969)
I don't know how much has changed in the last 19 years...
Are we in danger of alienating ourselves from physicians if we persist in using the term 'physical therapy diagnosis'?
Has there been a surge in professional diagnoses?
- nursing diagnosis
- chiropractors diagnosis
- personal trainers diagnosis
It may be too late for me.
I've already taken a position on this issue. It's changed my life and my practice.
What about you?
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